True Path to education

Although the title of these post may scream out of its lungs to sound philosophical,it is not meant to be.One may even attribute this title to the lack of creativity in naming a better one.Neways without much ado let me justify it.I had given the entrance exam for a reputed college for mass communication course.Much to my chagrin,inspite of a nice interview and equally better writing session i was put up in the waiting list,which essentially means am at the mercy of the students who have made it to the final merit list.Now the institute entertains only 40 students(mind you,the number was reduced from 80 to 40 this year), inspite of the sprawling campus which may round up to about 2 or 3acres easily.It seems ironical to me to have just 40 students in such a vast campus although they may argue that there are two more institutes adjacent to them which means just a little above 150 students or maybe even not.Moreso,at a time when India is facing shortage of adequate educational fa...