‘A-lone’ face among known crowds

People generally assume hostel to be the place where life enjoys its every moment. With practically no one to scoff at your deficiencies, it encourages you to live the life of a free bird. It’s also the only place where every friend is just a doorstep away, assignment and attendance is taken care in lieu of perquisites and most of all; it’s where beer bottles always run short of glasses! Parties, birthdays and festivals add zing to the already colourful life that one receives in the company of several buddies. But, if that would suffice the entire hostel life, it’s surely an incomplete tale. With all its fun and galore, the life also passes though the dark, often recounted tales of depression and traumas that arise out of living in a different world. Hostile at times, a hostel life is often cruel. With new companions and newer rooms, it’s never easy for a person to settle with somebody who has completely different tastes. It’s also where experiences experience change as one moves...